This is the most comprehensive course available on acupuncture bleeding techniques.
A major part of classical acupuncture is the use of specialised needles to elicit a few drops of blood, which can have a profound effect on the way the body functions. It is arguably the most powerful treatment method that can be applied in Chinese Medicine. Bleeding is a major component of Master Tung Acupuncture, known for bringing about a rapid and often permanent therapeutic result. On these two days Philip will cover:
Weekend - Early Bird £300 / Normally £350
'This was the best CPD course I've ever attended! Using these techniques has totally transformed my clinic'. Rachel
'A brilliant 2 days. I wished I had learnt it years ago' Claire
'Philip teaches in an inspiring and entertaining way, both him and Andy were very generous in transmitting their experience and knowledge to the group' Stephen
You need to be a qualified and insured acupuncturist to attend this course. Current students of acupuncture are also welcome.
Rarely taught in the West. The ability to 'fly' the needle into the body quickly and easily is a vital skill that has many applications. Advance your needle technique with this practical experiential day.
'I wished I had learned this years ago!' Rachel
'I saw how Drs in china were able to do this and I always wanted to learn how to do this' Clive
10am to 5pm - Millers Way, Hammersmith London
If you want to go on the waiting list please email:
On day two you will deepen your understanding of this extraordinary system and learn more practical prescriptions.
Philip is a guest lecturer at CICM. For more details please contact directly.
Spring 2022
This is an introduction to Tung Acupuncture. On the day you will learn some of the foundations as well as practical experience of the points under supervision. Tung Acupuncture is well known for its quick and spontaneous results. It is commonly observed by practitioners of this style that noticeable effects can be often achieved in as little as 1 to 2 treatments, and involving very few points.
Philip is a guest lecturer. If you would like to book this course or need more details, please contact
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