Philip Weeks is a leading teacher of Classical Chinese Acupuncture and the Master Tung style acupuncture. He is a Master Herbalist and Naturopath and has a MSc. in Nutritional Therapy. He speaks internationally on TCM, nutrition and functional medicine. He is renowned for his deep understanding and knowledge of ancient medicine, and his ability to make it relevant for today. He teaches advanced Chinese Medicine approaches internationally, including blood letting/bleeding, flying needle technique and Gua Sha.
He is the author of two books published by Singing Dragon: ‘Make Yourself Better’ and ‘Painful Bladder Syndrome’. He has been in full time practice for over 21 years and has treated some 10,000 patients. His clinic is located in Marylebone, Central London.
'Brilliant, brilliant day, a great introduction to this amazing system'
'I was able to begin using the points as soon as I got into the clinic the next day.'
'Philip is a fantastic teacher, he was able to explain this system in a really accessible and practical way.'
'A wealth of info. Philip's presentation instilled great confidence.'
'Really useful take-home procedure to use in daily practice.'
'Dynamic teaching, case studies really helpful.'
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